Karate School
Black Belt News
This page is dedicated to the Loyal, talented and
hard working Black Belt Students of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School.
If you would like more information about the Ryoshin-Kan
Karate School's Martial Arts Classes and the Black Belt Program, send us an e-mail or call (757) 468-1643.

Congrats: Great 40th Annual Ryoshin-Kan Black Belt
Exam & Awards Banquet 2023.

Congrats: Great Black Belt Exam 2022. |

Congrats: Senior Instructors Ryoshin-Kan Karate School |

Congrats: Great Black Belt Exam 2021. |

Congrats: Great Black Belt Exam 2020. |

Congrats: Great Black Belt Exam 2019 Ryoshin-Kan Karate School |

Hanshi Tim Thompson and His Sensei Staff Ryoshin-Kan Karate School |

Congrats: Great 36th Annual Black Belt Awards Banquet - 8 DEC 2019. |

Congrats: Great Black Belt Exam 2018 |

Awesome Karate Awards Banquet 2018. |

Congrats: Great Black Belt Exam 2017. |

Black Belts 2016 Ryoshin-Kan Karate School |

Black Belts 2015 Ryoshin-Kan Karate School |

Awesome Black Belt Exam & Awards Banquet 2015 |
Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
2015 Black Belt Exam / Award Banquet Results
35th Anniversary of
Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team #####################
1:) GREAT BLACK BELT EXAM: The 2015 Ryoshin-Kan Karate School Black Belt Exam was conducted on Saturday
5 December 2015 from 9am to 3pm. This was Ryoshin-Kan's 32nd Annual Black Belt Exam / Banquet and the 35th Anniversary of
the founding of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School and the Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team. All Black Belts testing for
Advance Certifications in Karate-Do, Kobudo, Tonfa Kobu-Jitsu, Kenjitsu and Goshinjitsu did Outstanding! All Blacks Belts
Demonstrated Kobudo, Kata, Goshinjitsu, Kumite and Tameshiwari (Board Breaking). Selected Nidans, Sandans and Yondans also
Broke Bricks.
*Power Breaking Demo: Sensei Thompson Broke 6 and 7 Stacked Large Bricks.
Congratulation and Well Done to all Ryoshin-Kan Black Belts!
2:) OUTSTANDING BLACK BELT AWARDS BANQUET: The 32nd Annual Ryoshin-Kan Black Belt Awards Banquet was
conducted on Sunday 6 December 2015 at the Happy Buffet Restaurant's Banquet Room located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This
was a formal affair with Black Belts and their guest receiving Awards. Sensei Thompson performed a Board Break while wearing
his tuxedo at the Beginning of the Awards Banquet. This was the Seventh time that Board Breaking was done at the Awards Banquet.
We had 75 People that participated in the Awards Banquet and over 500 Awards, including Certificates of Appreciation, Karate
Champion Awards, Bushido Camp Adventure Awards, Dragon Force Awards, National Team Awards, Advance Promotion Certifications,
Shidoin (Instructor) Certifications, Top Kyu Belt Plaques, Dragon Force Super Star Award Plaques, Black Belts of the Year
Plaques and Gifts were Presented.
Congratulations and Well Done to All participants of the Awards Banquet.
3:) AWARD BANQUET 2015 Results:
Director Conducting the Black Belt Exam & Banquet: Kyoshi Tim Thompson, 8th Degree Black Belt, Founder / Chief Instructor
of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School, RMAA, Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team, Hall of Famer, CDR USNR-Retired, World &
National Karate Champion
Promotions / Advance Certifications:
I. Yondan Karate-Do: Steven Phillips Jr
II. Shidoin Lic /Certification: Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick Johnston
III. Sandan Karate-Do: Chris Altman
IV. Sandan Tonfa Kobujitsu: Michael Milliman
V. Nidan Karate-Do: Michael Dawson
VI. Nidan Jr Karate-Do: Noah Caldon, Kai Cheek
VII. Shodan Kenjitsu: Patrick Johnston
VIII. Shodan Jr Kobudo: Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles
IX. Shodan Jr Goshinjitsu: Alex Thomasson, Alondra Duenas,Alejandro Duenas
*Black Belts of the Year (Large Plaque Awards): Keegan Grinspoon ( Instructor), Patrick Johnston ( Instructor),
Chris Altman (Assistant Instructor).
*Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team "Super Star" Plaque Awards: Kyoshi Tim Thompson, Sensei Michael
Milliman, Sensei Keegan Grinspoon, Sensei Patrick Johnston, Sempai Chris Altman, Sempai Hayden Bowles, Sempai Zachary Bowles,
Sempai Kai Cheek, Sempai Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen, Steven Smith Jr, Sammy Assassa, Ellie Smith.
*Ryoshin-Kan / Dragon Force "Super Star" Plaque Awards for Performance: , Alex Thomasson, Alondra Duenas,
Alejandro Duenas.
*Best Ryoshin-Kan / Dragon Force Support Plaque Awards: Mrs. Hye Cha Thompson, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts,
Sempai Ellen Honeycutt, Steven & Lourie Altman, Dan & Sharon Elder and Steven & Tommy Smith.
*Top Instructor Plaque Award: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Steven Phillips Jr.
*Top Kyu Belts of the Year Plaque Award: Steven Smith Jr, Caitlyn Woge, Ethan Ott, Sammy Assassa and
Ellie Smith.
*Bushido Adventure Camp Awards: Sensei Tim Thompson, Michael Milliman, Patrick Johnston, Chris Altman,
Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Kai Cheek, Alex Thomasson, Steven Smith Jr, Caitlyn Woge, Ethan Ott, Sammy Assassa, Ellie Smith,
Steve Altman, Lourie Altman, Steven Smith Sr, Tommy Smith and Jennifer Thomasson.
*Dragon Force Karate Demo Team Awards for performance & support: Steve Borloz, Steven Phillips Jr,
Michael Milliman, Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick Johnston, Chris Altman, Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon,
Jaclyn Nolen, Steven Smith Jr, Caitlyn Woge, Ethan Ott, Sammy Assassa, Ellie Smith, Lynwood Yeatts, Ellen Honeycutt, Alex
Thomasson, Alondra Duenas and Alejandro Duenas.
*National Demo Team Awards: Sensei Tim Thompson, Michael Milliman, Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick Johnston,
Chris Altman, Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Steven Smith Jr, Sammy Assassa and Ellie Smith.
*Karate Champion Awards: Steven Phillips Jr, Lynwood Yeatts, Michael Milliman, Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick
Johnston, Chris Altman, Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Ellen Honeycutt, Michael Dawson, Noah Caldon, Kai Cheek, Jaclyn Nolen,
Alex Thomasson, Alondra Duenas, Alejandro Duenas, Steven Smith Jr, Caitlyn Woge, Ethan Ott, Sammy Assassa, Ellie Smith.
*Ryoshin-Kan Awards: Certificates of Appreciation: All Parents, Grand Parents, Instructors, Students
and Guest.
*Best Overall Support Award: Mrs. Hye Cha Thompson
*I want to thank each and every one of you for your Hardwork and Devotion to the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School.
Congratulations and Well Done!
Sensei Thompson, 8th Dan
Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team

Congrats on a Great Black Belt Exam & Awards Banquet 2014 |
Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
2014 Black Belt Exam / Award Banquet Results
34th Anniversary of
Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team
1:) GREAT BLACK BELT EXAM: The 2014 Ryoshin-Kan Karate School Black Belt Exam was conducted on Saturday
6 December 2014 from 9am to 3pm. This was Ryoshin-Kan's 31st Annual Black Belt Exam / Banquet and the 34th Anniversary of
the founding of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School and the Dragon Force Demo Team. All Black Belts testing for Advance Certifications
in Karate-Do, Kobudo, Goshinjitsu, Tonfa Kobu-Jitsu and for Shodan Junior (1st Degree) Black Belt did Outstanding! All Blacks
Belts Demonstrated Kobudo, Goshinjitsu, Kumite and Tameshiwari (Board Breaking).
*Power Breaking Demo: Sensei Thompson Broke 7 Stacked Mixed Large Bricks / Concrete Blocks & Patrick Johnston Broke
7 Stacked Large Bricks.
*Quadruple Decker: This was the First time that we performed the Quadruple Decker (Sensei, Chris, Quinn, Jaclyn) in White
Ghis, Outside in front of the dojo during the Black Belt Exam.
Congratulation and Well Done to all Ryoshin-Kan Black Belts!
2:) OUTSTANDING BLACK BELT AWARDS BANQUET: The 31st Annual Ryoshin-Kan Black Belt Awards Banquet was
conducted on Sunday 7 December 2014 at the Happy Buffet Restaurant's Banquet Room located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This
was a formal affair with Black Belts and their guest receiving Awards. Sensei Thompson performed a Board Break while wearing
his tuxedo at the Beginning of the Awards Banquet. This was the Sixth time that Board Breaking was done at the Awards Banquet.
We had 75 People that participated in the Awards Banquet and over 500 Awards, Certifications, Plaques, Medals and Gifts were
Congratulations and Well Done to All participants of the Awards Banquet.
3:) AWARD BANQUET Results:
Promotions / Advance Certifications:
I. SHIDOIN Lic /Certification: Steven Phillips Jr.
II. SANDAN Karate-Do: Patrick Johnston
III. NIDAN Goshinjitsu: Keegan Grinspoon
IV. NIDAN Jr Kobudo: Chris Altman
V. TONFA Kobu-Jitsu Nidan: Michael Milliman
VI. TONFA Kobu-Jitsu Shodan: Ellen Honeycutt
VII. TONFA Kobu-Jitsu Shodan Jr: Hayden Bowles, Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles
VIII. SHODAN Jr. Goshinjitsu: Noah Caldon, Kai Cheek, Jaclyn Nolen
IX. SHODAN Jr Karate-Do: Alex Thomasson, Alondra Duenas, Alejandro Duenas
*Black Belts of the Year (Large Plaque Awards): Keegan Grinspoon (Assistant Instructor), Patrick Johnston
(Assistant Instructor), Chris Altman (Assistant Instructor),
*Junior Black Belts of the Year (Large Plaque Awards): Noah Caldon, Kai Cheek, Jaclyn Nolen.
*Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team "Super Star" Plaque Awards: Kyoshi Thompson, Sensei Michael
Milliman, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Sempai Patrick Johnston, Sempai Chris Altman, Kai Loree, Quinn Barson, Trent McGarrigle,
Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen.
*Ryoshin-Kan / Dragon Force "Super Star" Plaque Awards for Performance: Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles,
Alex Thomasson, Alondra Duenas, Alejandro Duenas.
*Best Ryoshin-Kan / Dragon Force Support Plaque Awards: Mrs. Hye Cha Thompson, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts,
Sempai Ellen Honeycutt, Steven & Lourie Altman, Dan & Sharon Elder.
*Top Instructor Plaque Award: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Steven Phillips Jr.
*Top Kyu Belts of the Year Plaque Award: Alex Hill, Kara Longmore
*Bushido Adventure Camp Awards: Sensei Tim Thompson, Sensei Tim Thompson, Michael Milliman, Patrick
Johnston, Chris Altman, Kai Loree, Quinn Barson, Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Ellen Honeycutt, Trent McGarrigle, Kai Cheek,
Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen, Logan MaGuder, Alex Thomasson, Alondra Duenas, Alejandro Duenas, Lourie Altman, Dave Bowles, Jennifer
*Dragon Force Karate Demo Team Awards for performance & support: Steve Borloz, Michael Milliman,
Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick Johnston, Kai Loree, Chris Altman, Hayden Bowles, Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles, Dayjha Armstrong,
Trent McGarrigle, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen, Lynwood Yeatts, Ellen Honeycutt, Steven Altman, Lourie Altman, Dan
Elder, Sharon Elder, Allen Loree, Penelope Stevens, Shauna Nolen, Chris Caldon, Heather Caldon, Mr. Stephen Johnston, Logan
MaGuder, Alex Thomasson, Alondra Duenas, Alejandro Duenas, Alex Hill, Kara Longmore.
*National Demo Team Awards: Sensei Tim Thompson, Michael Milliman, Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick Johnston,
Chris Altman, Quinn Barson, Kai Loree, Trent McGarrigle, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen.
*Karate Champion Awards: Lynwood Yeatts, Michael Milliman, Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick Johnston, Chris
Altman, Kai Loree, Hayden Bowles, Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles, Ellen Honeycutt, Dayjha Armstrong, Trent McGarrigle, Noah
Caldon, Kai Cheek, Jaclyn Nolen, Brian Thomasson, Alex Thomasson, Lourie Altman, Alondra Duenas, Alejandro Duenas, Ethan Ott.
*America’s got Talent Award: Sensei Tim Thompson, Michael Milliman, Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick
Johnston, Chris Altman, Quinn Barson, Kai Loree, Trent McGarrigle, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen.
*Ryoshin-Kan Award Medals & Certificates of Appreciation: All Parents, Grand Parents, Instructors,
Students and Guest.
*Best Overall Support Award: Mrs. Hye Cha Thompson
* Top Photographer Award: Mr. Stephen Johnston
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your Hard work and Devotion to the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School.
*Congratulations and Well Done!
Sensei Thompson, 8th Dan
Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team

Congratulations on a Great Black Belt Exam & Awards Banquet on 7 & 8 December 2013! |

Karate School 2013 Black Belt Exam / Award Banquet Results 33rd Anniversary of Ryoshin-Kan / Dragon Force
1:) GREAT BLACK BELT EXAM: The 2013 Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
Black Belt Exam was conducted on Saturday 7 December 2013 from 9am to 3pm. This was Ryoshin-Kan's 30th Annual Black Belt Exam
/ Banquet and the 33rd Anniversary of the founding of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate school and the Dragon Force Demo Team. All Black
Belts testing for Advance Certifications in Karate-Do, Kobudo, Kenjitsu, Goshinjitsu, Tonfa Kobu-Jitsu and Tameshiwari as
well as Brown Belts testing for Shodan (1st Degree) Black Belt did Outstanding! All Blacks Belts Demonstrated Goshinjitsu
and Tameshiwari (Breaking). Sensei Thompson Broke 7 Stacked Large Red Bricks & Patrick Johnston Broke 7 Stacked Large
Red Bricks & 3 Concrete Patio Blocks. Plus it was the 1st time that we performed the Quadruple Decker (Sensei, Chris,
Quinn, Trent) in White Ghis at the Black Belt Exam. Congratulation and Well Done to all Ryoshin-Kan Black Belts! 2:) OUTSTANDING BLACK BELT AWARDS BANQUET: The 30th Annual Ryoshin-Kan Black Belt Awards Banquet
was conducted on Sunday 8 December 2013 at the Happy Buffet Restaurant's Banquet Room located in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
This was a formal affair with Black Belts and their guest receiving Awards. Shihan Thompson and Patrick Johnston performed
Board Breaks while wearing their tuxedo at the Beginning of the Awards Banquet. This was the fifth time that Board Breaks
were done at the Awards Banquet. We had 95 People that attended the Awards Banquet and over 600 Awards, Certifications, Plaques,
Medals and Gifts were Presented. Congratulations and Well Done to All participants of the Awards Banquet. 3:) AWARD BANQUET Results: Promotions / Advance Certifications:
- Nidan Kobudo: Keegan Grinspoon
- Nidan Jr Kenjitsu: Kai Loree, Chris Altman
- Nidan Karate-Do: Ellen Honeycutt
- Nidan Jr Karate-Do: Dayjha Armstrong
- Tonfa Kobu-Jitsu Shodan: Michael Milliman, Patrick Johnston, Keegan Grinspoon
- Shodan Tameshiwari: Patrick Johnston
- Shodan Jr. Goshinjitsu: Hayden Bowles, Nick Solt, Trent McGarrigle
- Shodan Jr Kenjitsu: Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles
Shodan Jr Karate-Do: Noah Caldon, Kai Cheek, Angel Cardona,
Jaclyn Nolen, Logan Maguder
- Black Belts of the Year (Large Plaque Awards): Keegan Grinspoon (Assistant Instructor),
Patrick Johnston (Assistant Instructor), Chris Altman (Junior Assistant Instructor), Hayden Bowles (Top Junior Black Belt),
Dayjha Armstrong (Top Junior Black Belt).
- Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team "Super Star" Plaque Awards: Kyoshi Thompson,
Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Sempai Patrick Johnston, Sempai Kai Loree, Sempai Chris Altman, Quinn Barson,
Dayjha Armstrong, Trent McGarrigle, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen.
- Ryoshin-Kan / Dragon Force "Super Star" Plaque Awards for Performance: Hayden Bowles,
Zachary Bowles, Logan Maguder, Angel Cardona, Alex Thomasson.
Best Ryoshin-Kan / Dragon Force Support Plaque
Awards: Mrs. Hye Cha Thompson, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Ellen Honeycutt, Steven Altman
Family, Dan Elder Family, Allen Loree Family, John McGarrigle Family.
- Top Instructor Plaque Award: Sensei Steve Borloz
- Best Karate Spirit Plaque Award: Nick Solt
- Bushido Mountain Camp Awards: Sensei Tim Thompson, Michael Milliman, Patrick Johnston,
Keegan Grinspoon, Kai Loree, Chris Altman, Quinn Barson, Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Ellen Honeycutt, Dayjha Armstrong,
Trent McGarrigle, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Angel Cardona, Jaclyn Nolen, Logan MaGuder, Steve Altman, Lourie Altman, Dave Bowles,
Thomas Bill and Amber Jenkins.
- Dragon Force Karate Demo Team Awards for performance & support: Michael Milliman, Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick Johnston, Kai Loree, Chris Altman, Hayden Bowles, Quinn Barson, Zachary
Bowles, Dayjha Armstrong, Nick Solt, Trent McGarrigle, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen, Lynwood Yeatts, Ellen Honeycutt,
Steven Altman Family, Dan Elder Family, Allen Loree Family, John McGarrigle, Lourie Altman, Penelope Stevens, Mr. Stephen
Johnston, Dave Bowles, Alex Thomasson, Logan MaGuder.
- National Demo Team Awards: The Following are Official
Members of the Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team - Sensei Tim Thompson, Michael Milliman, Keegan
Grinspoon, Patrick Johnston, Sempai Kai Loree, Sempai Chris Altman, Quinn Barson, Dayjha Armstrong, Trent McGarrigle, Kai
Cheek, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen.
- Karate Champion Awards: Lynwood Yeatts, Michael Milliman, Keegan Grinspoon, Patrick
Johnston, Kai Loree, Chris Altman, Hayden Bowles, Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles, Ellen Honeycutt, Dayjha Armstrong, Trent McGarrigle,
Nick Solt, Noah Caldon, Kai Cheek, Jaclyn Nolen, Brian Thomasson, Alex Thomasson, Lourie Altman.
- Ryoshin-Kan Award Medals & Certificates of Appreciation: All Parents, Grand Parents,
Instructors, Students and Guest.
- Best Overall Support Award: Mrs. Hye Cha Thompson
- Top Photographer Award: Mr. Stephen Johnston
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your Hardwork and Devotion to the Ryoshin-Kan
Karate School. Congratulations and Well Done! R/ Sensei Thompson, 8th Dan Ryoshin-Kan Karate School Dragon
Force National Karate Demo Team

School 2012 Black Belt Exam / Award Banquet Results 32nd Anniversary of Ryoshin-Kan / Dragon Force
1:) GREAT BLACK BELT EXAM: The 2012 Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
Black Belt Exam was conducted on Saturday 1 December 2012 from 9am to 3pm. This was Ryoshin-Kan's 29th Annual Black Belt Exam
/ Banquet and the 32nd Anniversary of the founding of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate school and the Dragon Force Demo Team. All Black
Belts testing for Advance Certifications in Karate-Do, Kobudo, Kenjitsu and Goshinjitsu as well as Brown Belts testing for
Black Belt did Outstanding! All Blacks Belts Demonstrated Goshinjitsu and Tameshiwari (Breaking). Sensei Thompson Broke 7
Stacked Concrete Patio Blocks. Congratulation and Well Done to all Ryoshin-Kan Black Belts! 2:) OUTSTANDING BLACK & BROWN BELT AWARDS BANQUET: The 29th Annual Ryoshin-Kan Black Belt
Awards Banquet was conducted on Sunday 2 December 2012 at the Happy Buffet Restaurant's Banquet Room located in Virginia Beach,
Virginia. This was a formal affair with Black Belts and their guest receiving Awards. Shihan Thompson, Zachary Bowles, Nick
Solt and Trent McGarrigle performed Board Breaks while wearing their tuxedo at the Beginning of the Awards Banquet. This was
the fourth time that Board Breaks were done at the Awards Banquet. Plus it was the 1st time that we performed the Triple Decker
(Sensei, Chris, Quinn) in Tuxedoes at the Awards Banquet. OohYa!!! We had 68 People that attended the Awards Banquet and over
300 Awards, Certifications, Plaques and Gifts were Presented. Congratulations and Well Done to All participants of the
Awards Banquet. 3:) AWARD BANQUET Results: Promotions
/ Advance Certifications:
- Karate-Do Sandan:
Sempai Keegan Grinspoon
Karate –Do Nidan Jr: Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles
Tameshiwari Nidan: Sensei Michael Milliman
Assistant Instructor Certificate: Patrick Johnston
Goshinjitsu Shodan: Sempai Patrick Johnston
Kobudo Shodan: Ellen Honeycutt
Kobudo Shodan Jr. : Kai Loree, Chris Altman
Kenjitsu Shodan Jr. : Hayden Bowles, Dayjha
Karate –Do Shodan:Mike Dawson
Karate –Do Shodan Jr: Nick Solt, Trent McGarrigle
- Black Belts of the Year (Large Plaque Awards): Patrick Johnston (Assistant Instructor),
Chris Altman (Junior Assistant Instructor), Quinn Barson (Top Junior Black Belt), Zachary Bowles (Top Junior Black Belt).
- Dragon Force National Team "Super Star" Plaque Awards: Shihan Thompson, Sensei Michael
Milliman, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Sempai Patrick Johnston, Sempai Kai Loree, Sempai Chris Altman, Quinn Barson, Dayjha Armstrong,
Trent McGarrigle, Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon and Jaclyn Nolen.
- Best Ryoshin-Kan Support Plaque Awards: Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Ellen Honeycutt, Steven
Altman Family and Allen Loree Family.
- Top Instructor Plaque Award: Sensei Steve Borloz
- Best Karate Spirit Plaque Award: Nick Solt
- Bushido Mountain Camp Awards: Shihan Thompson, Michael Milliman, Keegan Grinspoon,
Patrick Johnston, Kai Loree, Chris Altman, Quinn Barson, Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Ellen Honeycutt, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon,
Steve Altman, Lourie Altman, Chris Caldon and Dave Bowles.
- Dragon Force Karate Demo Team Awards: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael Milliman,
Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Sempai Patrick Johnston, Sempai Kai Loree, Sempai Chris Altman, Hayden Bowles, Quinn Barson, Zachary
Bowles, Dayjha Armstrong, Nick Solt, Trent McGarrigle, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen.
- National Team Champion Awards: The Following are Official
Members of the Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team - Shihan Tim Thompson, Sensei Michael Milliman,
Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Sempai Patrick Johnston, Sempai Kai Loree, Sempai Chris Altman, Quinn Barson, Dayjha Armstrong, Trent
McGarrigle, Kai Cheek, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen.
- Karate Champion Awards: Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Keegan
Grinspoon, Sempai Patrick Johnston, Sempai Kai Loree, Sempai Chris Altman, Hayden Bowles, Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles, Dayjha
Armstrong, Trent McGarrigle, Ellen Honeycutt, Nick Solt, Kai Cheek, Christy Green, Noah Caldon, Jaclyn Nolen.
- Certificates of Appreciation: All Parents, Grand Parents, Instructors, Students and
- Best Overall Support Award: Mrs. Hye Cha Thompson
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your Hardwork and Devotion to the Ryoshin-Kan
Karate School. Congratulations and Well Done!
Congratulations and Well Done!
Optimi Optimorum
"Best of the Best"

Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
2011 Black Belt Exam / Award Banquet Results
31st Anniversary of Ryoshin-Kan Karate School & Dragon Force Demo
I:) GREAT BLACK BELT EXAM: The 2011 Ryoshin-Kan Karate
School Black Belt Exam was conducted on Saturday 3 December 2011 from 9am to 3pm. This was Ryoshin-Kan's 28th Annual Black
Belt Exam / Banquet and the 31st Anniversary of the founding of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate school and the Dragon Force Demo Team.
All Black Belts testing for Advance Certifications in Karate-Do, Kenjitsu and Goshinjitsu as well as Brown Belts testing
for Black Belt did Outstanding! All Blacks Belts Demonstrated Goshinjitsu and Tameshiwari (Breaking). Sensei Thompson Broke
7 Stacked Large Bricks.
Congratulation and Well Done to all Ryoshin-Kan Black Belts! II:) OUTSTANDING
BLACK & BROWN BELT AWARDS BANQUET: The 28th Annual Ryoshin-Kan Black Belt Awards Banquet was conducted
on Sunday 4 December 2011 at the Happy Buffet Restaurant's Banquet Room located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This was a formal
affair with Black Belts and their guest receiving Awards. Shihan Thompson performed a Board Break while wearing his
tuxedo at the Beginning of the Awards Banquet. This was the third time that Board Breaks were done at the Awards Banquet.
We had 65 People that attended the Awards Banquet and over 300 Awards, Certifications, Plaques and Gifts were Presented. Congratulations
and Well Done to All participants of the Awards Banquet. AWARD BANQUET Results:
Promotions / Advance Certifications:
- NIDAN Kenjitsu: Michael Milliman
- NIDAN Jr Kenjitsu: Keegan Grinspoon
- NIDAN Goshinjitsu: Maurice Reed
- NIDAN Karate-Do: Patrick Johnston
- NIDAN Jr Karate-Do: Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Hayden Bowles
- SHODAN Jr Goshinjitsu: Kai Loree, Chris Altman, Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles
- SHODAN Karate-Do: Ellen Honeycutt
- SHODAN Jr Karate-Do: Stephen Johnston, Dayjha Armstrong
- Black Belts of the Year (Large Plaque Awards): Kai Loree (Top Junior Black Belt).
Keegan Grinspoon (Assistant Instructor),
- Bushido Mountain Camp Awards: Shihan Thompson, Michael Milliman, Maurice Reed,
Keegan Grinspoon, Kai Loree, Chris Altman, Patrick Johnston, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Quinn Barson, Hayden Bowles, Zachary
Bowles, Ellen Honeycutt, Stephen Johnston, Dayjha Armstrong, Christy Green, Steve Altman, Lourie Altman, Neal Reed, Manjula
Reed, Allen Loree, Chikako Loree, Nina Loree, and Dave Bowles.
- Dragon Force Karate Demo Team Awards: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael Milliman,
Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Kai Loree, Chris Altman, Patrick Johnston, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez,
Hayden Bowles, Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles, Stephen Johnston, Dayjha Armstrong, Titus Butler.
- National Team Champion Awards: The Following are Official
Members of the Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team - Shihan Tim Thompson, Sensei Michael Milliman,
Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris Altman, Kai Loree, Patrick Johnston, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Stephen
Johnston, Quinn Barson, Dayjha Armstrong.
- Tameshiwari (Breaking) Awards: Shihan Tim Thompson, Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael
Lombardo, Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris Altman, Kai Loree, Patrick Johnston,
Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Quinn Barson, Stephen Johnston, Dayjha Armstrong, Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Christina
Altman, Ellen Honeycutt, Tylar Williams, Christy Green,Titus Butler.
- Dragon Force National Team Plaque Awards: Shihan Thompson, Sensei Michael
Milliman, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris Altman, Kai Loree, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Patrick Johnston,
Quinn Barson, Stephen Johnston, Dayjha Armstrong, Hayden Bowles, Zachary Bowles, Titus Butler..
- Best Ryoshin-Kan Support Plaque Awards: Sempai Lynwood Yeatts & Lourie Altman
- Top Instructor Plaque Award: Sensei Steve Borloz
- Best Karate Spirit Plaque Award: Nick Solt
- Certificates of Appreciation: All Parents, Grand Parents, Instructors, Students and
- Best Overall Support Award: Mrs. Hye Cha Thompson
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your Hardwork and Devotion to the Ryoshin-Kan
Karate School.
Congratulations and Well Done!
Optimi Optimorum
"Best of the Best"

Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
2010 Black Belt Exam / Award Banquet Results
30th Anniversary of Ryoshin-Kan Karate School & Dragon Force Demo
EXAM: The 2010 Ryoshin-Kan Karate School Black Belt Exam was
conducted on Saturday 4 December 2010 from 9am to 3pm. This was Ryoshin-Kan's 27th Annual Black Belt Exam /
Banquet and the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate school and the Dragon Force Demo Team. All Black
Belts testing for Advance Certifications and Brown Belts testing for Black Belt did their Best! Congratulation and Well Done
to all Ryoshin-Kan Black Belts!
& BROWN BELT AWARDS BANQUET: The 27th Annual Ryoshin-Kan Black Belt
Awards Banquet was conducted on Sunday 5 December 2010 at the Formosa Super Buffet Restaurant located in Virginia
Beach, Virginia. This was a formal affair with Black Belts and their guest receiving Awards. Shihan Thompson performed a Board Break while wearing his tuxedo at the Beginning of the
Awards Banquet. This was the Second time that Board Breaks were done at the Awards Banquet. We had 63 People that attended
the Awards Banquet and over 100 Awards, Certifications, Plaques and Gifts were Presented.
Congratulations and Well Done to All participants
of the Awards Banquet.
3:) AWARD BANQUET Results:
Promotions / Advance
- Tameshiwari Shodan: Sensei Michael Milliman
- SANDAN Karate-Do: Sempai
Maurice Reed
- NIDAN Karate-Do: Billy Wagner
Jr Karate-Do: Kai Loree, Christopher Altman
- SHODAN Kobudo: Patrick Johnston
- SHODAN Goshinjitsu:
Keegan Grinspoon
- SHODAN Jr Kenjitsu: Joe Ramirez, Demetria
- SHODAN Jr Karate-Do: Christina Altman,
Quinn Barson, Zachary Bowles
- Black Belts of the Year (Large Plaque
Awards): Maurice Reed (Assistant Instructor), Patrick Johnston (Camp
Assistant), Christopher Altman (Top Junior Black Belt).
- Bushido Mountain Camp Awards: Shihan Tim Thompson, Maurice Reed, Keegan Grinspoon, Kai Loree, Chris Altman, Patrick
Johnston, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Ellen Gold, Stephen Johnston Jr, Dayjha Armstrong, Christina
Altman, Steve Altman, Lourie Altman, Manjula Reed, Dan Elder, Sharon Elder, Stephen Johnston(Dad), Anne Johnston, Aurora
Armstrong, Ellen Williams.
- Dragon Force Karate Demo Team Awards: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris
Altman, Kai Loree, Patrick Johnston, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Hayden Bowles, Quinn Barson, Zachary
Bowles, Stephen Johnston, Dayjha Armstrong, Titus Butler.
- National Karate Tournament
Champion Awards: Shihan Tim Thompson, Sensei Michael
Milliman, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris Altman, Kai Loree, Patrick Johnston, Joe
Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Quinn Barson, Ellen Gold, Stephen Johnston, Dayjha Armstrong, Titus Butler.
- National Team Membership Awards: The
Following are Official Members of the Dragon Force National Karate Demo Team - Shihan Tim Thompson,
Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris
Altman, Kai Loree, Patrick Johnston, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Stephen Johnston, Dayjha Armstrong.
- National Karate Team Champion Plaque Awards: Shihan Thompson, Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris
Altman, Kai Loree, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Patrick Johnston, Quinn Barson, Stephen Johnston and Dayjha Armstrong.
- Best Ryoshin-Kan Support Plaque Awards: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts
- Top Sponsor - Dragon
Force National Karate Team Plaque Award: Reed Enterprises / Holland BP
- Certificates of Appreciation: All Parents, Grand Parents, Instructors, Students and Guest.
- Oldest Student Award: Sensei Steve Borloz
- Youngest Student Award: Titus Wayne Butler
- Best Overall Support
Award: Mrs. Hye Cha Thompson
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your
Hardwork and Devotion to the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School.
Congratulations and Well Done!
Optimi Optimorum
"Best of the Best"

to Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
2009 Black Belt Exam / Award Banquet Results
The 2009 Ryoshin-Kan Karate School Black Belt Exam was conducted on Saturday 5
December 2009 from 9 am to 3:30 pm. This was Ryoshin-Kan's 26th Annual Black Belt Exam / Banquet and the 29th Anniversary
of the founding of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate school and the Dragon Force Demo Team. All Black Belts testing for Advance Certifications
and Brown Belts testing for Black Belt did their Best! Congratulation and Well Done to all Ryoshin-Kan Black Belts!
BANQUET: The 26th Annual Ryoshin-Kan Black Belt Awards Banquet was
conducted on Sunday 6 December 2009 at the Formosa Super Buffet Restaurant located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This
was a formal affair with Black Belts and their guest receiving Awards.
WOW: Shihan Thompson
and Sensei Michael Milliman performed Board Breaks while wearing their tuxedo at the Beginning of the Awards Banquet. This
was the First time that Board Breaks were done at the Awards Banquet.
Congratulations and Well Done to the 62
participants of the Awards Banquet.
3:) AWARD BANQUET Results:
Promotions / Advance Certifications:
- SHIDOIN Certification: Sensei Michael Milliman
- NIDAN Goshinjitsu: Sensei Michael Milliman
- SHODAN Goshinjitsu: Maurice
- SHODAN Kobudo: Keegan Grinspoon
- SHODAN Kenjitsu: Kai Loree, Christopher Altman,
Trent DePeralta
- SHODAN Jr Karate-Do: Patrick Johnston,
Tylar Williams, Kylee Battelle, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Dia Bolton, Hayden Bowles.
- Black Belt of the Year: Sensei Michael Milliman
- Karate Champion Gold Rings: Shihan Thompson
and Sensei Michael Milliman
- Black Belt Karate Medals: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael Lombardo, Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Sempai Maurice
Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris Altman, Kai Loree, Trent DePeralta, Patrick Johnston, Tylar Williams, Kylee Battelle,
Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Dia Bolton, Michael Battelle, and Hayden Bowles.
- Dragon Force Karate Demo Team Awards: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael Lombardo, Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Sempai
Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris Altman, Kai Loree, Trent DePeralta, Patrick Johnston, Tylar Williams, Kylee
Battelle, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez, Dia Bolton, Michael Battelle, and Hayden Bowles.
- National Team Membership Awards: Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris Altman, Kai
Loree, Trent DePeralta, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez and Dia Bolton.
- National Karate Team Champion Plaque Awards: Shihan Thompson, Sensei Michael Milliman, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris
Altman, Kai Loree, Trent DePeralta, Joe Ramirez, Demetria Ramirez and Dia Bolton.
- Best Support Plaque Awards: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael Lombardo, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts
- Certificates of Appreciation: All Parents, Grand Parents, Instructors, Students and Guest.
- Karate Medals: Baileigh Williams, Nina Loree,
Stephen Johnston and Dayjha Armstrong.
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your Hardwork and
Devotion to the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School.
Congratulations and Well Done!
Black Belt Exam
& Award Banquet Results
1:) GREAT BLACK BELT EXAM: The 2008 Ryoshin-Kan
Karate School Black Belt Exam was conducted on Saturday 6 December 2008 from 9 am to 4 pm. This was Ryoshin-Kan's 25th Annual Black Belt Exam / Banquet and the 28th anniversary of the founding of the Ryoshin-Kan
Karate school and the Dragon Force Demo Team.
All Black Belts testing for Advance Certifications and Brown Belts testing
for Black Belt did their Best! Congratulation and Well Done to all Black Belts!
BLACK / BROWN BELT AWARDS BANQUET: The 25th Annual Ryoshin-Kan
Black & Brown Belt Awards Banquet was conducted on Sunday 7 December 2008 at the Formosa Super Buffet Restaurant
located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This was a formal affair with Black
Belts, Brown Belts, Dragon Force Demo Team and their guest receiving Awards.
Congratulations and Well Done to the 63 participants of the Awards Banquet.
3:) AWARD BANQUET Results:
Promotions / Advance Certifications:
Kobudo: Sensei Michael Lombardo Jr.
Karate-Do: Sempai Michael Milliman
Kobudo: Michael Milliman
- NIDAN Kenjitsu: Maurice Reed
Karate-Do: Jerimy Brecheen
Jr. Karate-Do: Keegan Grinspoon
Karate-Do: Marla Metz
Jr Karate-Do: Kai Loree, Christopher Altman, Trent DePeralta, Michael Battelle
Black Belt of the Year: Sempai Keegan Grinspoon
- Dragon
Force Awards: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael Lombardo, Sempai Michael Milliman, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts,
Sempai Jerimy Brecheen, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris Altman, Kai Loree, Trent DePeralta, Joe Ramirez,
Dia Bolton, Demetria Ramirez, Michael Battelle, and Kylee Battelle.
- Drum
Corps Captain Award: Sempai Keegan Grinspoon
Corps Awards: Sempai Michael Milliman, Sempai Jerimy Brecheen, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris
Altman, Kai Loree, Trent DePeralta, Joe Ramirez, Dia Bolton, and Demetria Ramirez.
- National Team Membership Awards: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael Lombardo, Sempai
Michael Milliman, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Sempai Jerimy Brecheen, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris
Altman, Kai Loree, Trent DePeralta, and Joe Ramirez.
- National Karate Champions Award: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael Lombardo, Sempai
Michael Milliman, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Sempai Jerimy Brecheen, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris
Altman, Kai Loree, Trent DePeralta, Joe Ramirez, Dia Bolton, and Demetria Ramirez.
- Best Support Plaque Awards: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts
- National Team Plaque Awards: Sensei
Michael Lombardo, Sempai Michael Milliman, Sempai Jerimy Brecheen, Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Keegan Grinspoon, Chris
Altman, Kai Loree, Trent DePeralta, and Joe Ramirez.
- Certificates
of Appreciation: All Parents, Grand Parents, Instructors, Students and Guest.
I want to
thank each and everyone of you for your Hardwork and Devotion to the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School.
and Well Done!
"osu" Sensei
Thompson, 8th Dan
Black Belt Exam & Awards Banquet
1:) OVERVIEW: The following are the results of the Outstanding
Ryoshin-Kan Karate School's 24th Annual Black Belt Exam and Awards Banquet that were conducted on 12 and 13 December 2007.
We also celebrated the 27th Anniversary of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School and the Dragon Force Demo Team. The Black Belt Exam
was conducted from 5 to 9PM on Wednesday 12 December 2007. 15 Black Belt Promotions and Certifications were awarded. The 24th
Annual Black Belt Awards Banquet was conducted on Thursday 13 December 2007 at the Formosa Super Buffet Restaurant located
on Virginia Beach Blvd in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We had Seventy-Three (73) Black / Brown Belts/ Demo Team Members and guest
attend the Banquet which was a formal affair. Sensei Thompson gave out over one hundred awards, including Black Belt Promotion
Diplomas / Certifications, Certificates of Appreciation, Dragon Force Demo Team Awards, Dragon Force National Team Champion
Awards, Twenty-one Special Plaques and numerous other awards. The Banquet and Exam were a success due to the hard work and
devotion of all the Black Belts and Parents. A Special Thank You and well done goes out to my wife, Mrs Hye Cha Thompson who
assisted me in the coordination of the very successful Awards Banquet. I want to thank Shihan Steve Borloz, Sensei Michael
Lombardo Jr.,and Sensei Steven Phillips for assisting me at the Exam and Banquet. All of you are Number One!
2:) HISTORY: This was Ryoshin-Kan's 24th Annual Black Belt
Awards Banquet and the 27th anniversary of the founding of the Karate school and the Dragon Force Demo Team. I established
both of these in December 1980. That is why I hold the Black Belt Exam and Banquet in December, so that we can Honor the founding
of our Great Karate School and all the Students that have studied here. We have come along ways since I taught the Karate
Club on the USS Conygham DDG17 back in 1980. The first Demo that I ever performed in was onboard that U.S. Navy Ship at sea
off the coast of the Bahamas Islands. This year we will be performing the 24th annual Christmas Karate Show at the Military
Circle Mall in Norfolk, Virginia on Wednesday 19 December 2007 at 6:45pm. The Karate Show will be televised throughout the
Holiday Season..
3:) BLACK BELT EXAM RESULTS: The following outstanding students
passed the Exam and were promoted on 12 December 2007.
SANDAN Kobudo: Shihan Steve Borloz
YONDAN Karate-Do: Sensei Michael Lombardo
SANDAN Goshinjitsu: Sensei Michael Lombardo
NIDAN Jr. Karate-Do: Sempai Bella Bartha, Sempai Leo Navarro
SHODAN Jr. Kobudo: Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai Nami Dao
SHODAN Goshinjitsu: Mike Bartha
SHODAN Jr. Goshinjitsu : Zinjin Iglesia
SHODAN Kenjitsu: Sempai Michael Milliman
SHODAN Jr. Kenjitsu: Keegan Grinspoon
SHODAN Karate-Do: Greg Bates
SHODAN Jr Karate-Do: Tyler Bates, Braxton Zivic
hundred awards at the 2007 Banquet. The following are the Top Awards for the Year 2007.
INSTRUCTOR of the YEAR 2007: Sensei Steve Borloz
BLACK BELT of the YEAR 2007: Sempai Bella Bartha
BLACK BELT PROMOTIONS / Certifications: See Exam results
in Para #3
Champions Plaques) The Following outstanding Members of the Dragon Force National Karate Team won World / National Championships,
Plus they performed / Assisted at Karate Demos in 2007. Shihan Tim Thompson, Sensei Michael Lombardo, Sensei Michael Wilkins,
Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Sempai Michael Milliman, Sempai Zinjin Iglesia, Sempai Nami Dao, Sempai Joshua Ebreo, Sempai Maurice
Reed, Bella Bartha, Mike Bartha, Natalie Ebreo, Leo Navarro, Keegan Grinspoon and Braxton Zivic
Sensei Michael Wilkins, Lynwood Yeatts, Michael Milliman, Zinjin Iglesia, Maurice Reed, Nami Dao, Joshua Ebreo, Zachary McEwen,
Natalie Ebreo, Mike Bartha, Bella Bartha, Leo Navarro, Keegan Grinspoon, Braxton Zivic, Trent Deperalta, Chris Altman, Kai
Loree, James Conley, Jack Holladay, Greg Bates, and Tyler Bates.
TOP APPRECIATION AWARDS: All Black / Brown Belts / Demo
Team Members and their Families.
Congratulations and well done to all Black Belts, Staff and Relatives on
an Outstanding 2007 Black Belt Exam and Awards Banquet.
Sensei Tim Thompson
Shihan / Renshi / Kancho
Master Instructor 7th Dan
Founder / Director
Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
Ryoshin-Kan Martial Arts Association
Dragon Force National Karate Team
Goshinjitsu System
2006 Black Belt Exam
& Awards Banquet
1:) OVERVIEW: The following are the
results of the Outstanding Ryoshin-Kan Karate School's 23rd Annual Black Belt Exam and Awards Banquet that were conducted
on Saturday 16 December 2006. We also celebrated the 26th Anniversary of the Ryoshin-Kan Karate School and the Dragon Force
Demo Team. The Black Belt Exam was conducted from 9:00AM to 3:00PM and twenty-three Black Belt participated in the Exam. Nineteen
Black Belt Promotions and Certifications were awarded. The 23rd Annual Black Belt Awards Banquet was conducted at the Formosa
Super Buffet Restaurant located on Virginia Beach Blvd in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We had Sixty-eight Black / Brown Belts
and guest attend the Banquet which was a formal affair. Sensei Thompson gave out over one hundred awards, including Black
Belt Promotion Diplomas / Certifications, Shidoin Certification, Certificates of Appreciation, Dragon Force Demo Team Awards,
Dragon Force National Team Appointments, National Team Champion Awards, Fourteen Special Plaques and numerous other awards.
The Banquet and Exam were a success due to the hard work and devotion of all the Black Belts and Parents. A Special Thank
You and well done goes out to Sensei Michael Wilkins & Sempai Ashleigh Hunt, Both assisted Sensei Thompson in the coordination
of the very successful Awards Banquet. I want to thank Shihan-dai Steve Borloz, Sensei Min Lee, Sensei Michael Lombardo Jr.,Sensei
Michael Wilkins, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Sempai Michael Milliman and all Black Belts in assisting me throughout the year. All
of you are Number One!
2:) HISTORY: This was Ryoshin-Kan's 23rd
Annual Black Belt Awards Banquet and the 26th anniversary of the founding of the Karate school and the Dragon Force Demo Team.
I established both of these in December 1980. That is why I hold the Black Belt Exam and Banquet in December, so that we can
Honor the founding of our Great Karate School and all the Students that have studied here. We have come along ways since I
taught the Karate Club on the USS Conygham DDG17 back in 1980. The first Demo that I ever performed in was onboard that U.S.
Navy Ship at sea off the coast of the Bahamas Islands. This year we will be performing the 23rd annual Christmas Karate Show
at the Military Circle Mall in Norfolk, Virginia on Thursday 21 December 2006 at 7pm. The Karate Show will be televised throughout
the Holiday Season..
3:) BLACK BELT EXAM RESULTS: The following
outstanding students passed the Exam and were promoted on 16 December 2006.
SHIDOIN Belt (Red / White/ Black): Sensei Michael Wilkins
SANDAN Goshinjitsu Certification: Sensei Michael Lombardo
NIDAN Kobudo Certification: Sensei Michael Wilkins
NIDAN Kenjitsu Certification: Sensei Michael Wilkins
SHODAN Kobudo Certification: Sempai Michael Milliman
SHODAN Jr. Kobudo Certification: Zinjin Iglesia, Bella Bartha,
Natalie Ebreo, Leo Navarro
SHODAN Jr. Goshinjitsu Certification: Ashleigh Hunt
NIDAN Jr. Karate-Do Certification: Sempai Maurice Reed, Sempai
Nami Dao, Sempai Joshua Ebreo, Sempai Trey Torres
SHODAN Jr. Kenjitsu Certification: Chris Herron, Zachary McEwen
SHODAN Karate-Do Certification: Mike Bartha, Billy Wagner,
Jerimy Brecheen, Jimmy Adams (passed Exam on 20 December 2006)
SHODAN Jr Karate-Do: Keegan Grinspoon
I gave out over one hundred awards at the 2006 Banquet. The following are the Top Awards for the Year 2006.
BLACK BELT of the YEAR 2006: Sensei Michael Wilkins and Sempai
Michael Milliman
BLACK BELT PROMOTIONS / Certifications: See Exam results in
Para #3
Champions Plaques) The Following outstanding Members of the Dragon Force National Karate Team were won World / National Championships,
Plus they performed / Assisted at Karate Demos in 2006. Shihan Tim Thompson, Sensei Michael Wilkins, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts,
Sempai Michael Milliman, Sempai Ashleigh Hunt, Sempai Zinjin Iglesia, Sempai Nami Dao, Sempai Joshua Ebreo, Sempai Maurice
Reed, Bella Bartha, Mike Bartha, Natalie Ebreo, Leo Navarro, Braxton Zivic
TOP NATIONAL KARATE AWARDS: Sensei Steve Borloz, Sensei Min
Lee, Sensei Michael Lombardo, Sensei Matthew Borloz, Sensei Michael Wilkins, Sempai Lynwood Yeatts, Sempai Michael Milliman,
Sempai Anthony Gentile, Sempai Keith Parker, Sempai Ashleigh Hunt, Sempai Zinjin Iglesia, Sempai Nami Dao, Sempai Joshua Ebreo,
Sempai Maurice Reed, Billy Wagner, Bella Bartha, Mike Bartha, Natalie Ebreo, Leo Navarro, Braxton Zivic, Ashley Boone, Ron
Boone, Jimmy Adams
Lynwood Yeatts, Michael Milliman, Ashleigh Hunt, Zachary Thomas, Zinjin Iglesia, Maurice Reed, Nami Dao, Joshua Ebreo, Trey
Torres, Natalie Ebreo, Mike Bartha, Billy Wagner, Bella Bartha, Zachary McEwen, Leo Navarro, Braxton Zivic, Nicole Ebreo,
Joshua Taylor, Andrew DiJoseph, Trent Deperalta, Ashley Boone, Chris Herron, Ron Boone.
TOP APPRECIATION AWARDS: All Black / Brown Belts and their
Congratulations and well done to all Black Belts,
Staff and Relatives on an Outstanding 2006 Black Belt Exam and Awards Banquet.
Sensei Tim Thompson
Shihan / Renshi / Kancho
Master Instructor 7th Dan
Founder / Director
Ryoshin-Kan Karate School
Ryoshin-Kan Martial Arts Association
Dragon Force National Karate Team
Goshinjitsu System

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